What are eczema and dermatitis? Eczema and dermatitis are now generally used to describe the same skin condition. Eczema is one of the commonest reasons for dry, sensitive skin. Sometimes there is an inflamed rash, which is often accompanied by an intense itching, which makes scratching almost inevitable. One person in ten has eczema at some time in their life, and it affects all age groups.
Is there just one type of eczema? No, there are many, but everyone with eczema experiences similar, unpleasant symptoms. These are some of the main types of eczema:
* Atopic Dermatitis It is possible to develop atopic eczema at any age but it is most commonly found in babies and young children. Atopic eczema is thought to run in families and it is part of a group of atopic conditions, which include eczema, asthma and hay fever. * Seborrhoeic Eczema There are two types of this condition: one is most commonly seen in babies; the second is fairly common in younger adults. Areas affected tend to be the oily parts of the body, such as the scalp, face, groin and chest. Seborrhoeic eczema is not normally itchy. * Discoid Eczema This condition is usually confined to the arms and legs and consists of scaly, itchy, coin-shaped patches that can blister and weep. * Varicose Eczema This is a condition of the legs, commonly found in the elderly and people with varicose veins. * Contact Dermatitis There are two types - irritant and allergic. Irritant is caused by exposure to substances such as soaps, detergents, engine oils, hair dyes and bleaches. Allergy is caused by specific sensitivity to a material such as nickel, chrome or rubber.
What is Atopic Dermatitis? Atopic Dermatitis or eczema is an itchy, dry hypersensitive skin disorder affecting many people. It is common in children but can occur at any age. It is not infectious or contagious. The exact cause of atopic eczema is unknown. It may be hereditary. The patient or some family members may have other hypersensitive conditions like asthma or hay fever. The rash may appear red, wet and weepy or dry, thickened and scaly. When the disease starts during infancy, it is sometimes called infantile eczema. This is an itchy, crusted rash that tends to be localized principally on the face and scalp, but can appear at the other sites. Scratching often aggravates the rash. The skin thickens and becomes darker. It is a chronic condition. It can affect any part of the body, particularly the elbow bends, back of the knees and the neck.
What are emollients? Emollients are basically simple moisturizers used to combat the dryness of eczema and to protect the skin from further water loss. There is a wide range of products of this kind and it may take you some time to find the one that is suitable for your skin.
Questions and Answers: Q. Since atopic dermatitis is sometimes associated with food allergies, can the elimination of certain foods be of help? A. Yes, but is not common. Although certain foods will sometimes provoke attacks, especially in infants and young children, elimination of foods rarely brings about a lasting improvement or cure. Nevertheless, when all else fails, avoidance of common offending foods such as cow's milk and eggs may be tried for a few weeks.
Q. Are the inhaled and contacted substances in the environment important causes, and should they be eliminated? A. Yes. Dust and dust-forming objects (for example, feather pillows and comforters, kapok pillows and mattresses, dust-forming carpet, drapes, toys and certain rough garments such as wool, coarse silk) worsen the rash. Try to wet mop or vacuum floors, rather than sweep. Reduce contact with animal furs.
Q. We have had a cat for five years but our youngest child has developed atopic eczema and we have been advised to get rid of the pet. We are very worried about the effect this will have on the whole family. Is there anything else we can do to minimize the effects of the cats? A. The problem with furry pets comes mainly from the shed skin or "dander" in the coat. Saliva and urine can also cause problems. However, when a pet has been in the family for a long time its sudden removal may not be feasible. Restricting the cat's movements within the house can be difficult but it is very important that the animal is not allowed to go into the child's bedroom. It is also important to realize that people may transfer hair and dander via their clothing. It has been suggested that weekly bathing of cats can help to reduce their allergenic effects. However, anyone with a cat can anticipate the type of problems this may cause! A wipe down with a damp cloth may not have quite the same effect but is used by some families to reduce the problem.
Q. My first child has severe eczema. What is the likelihood of our next child developing the condition? A. It is thought that people inherit the potential to develop an atopic condition such as eczema, asthma or hay fever. It will take a trigger of some kind to bring out the condition. There is no straightforward pattern of inheritance but it seems that if one of your children already has the condition then your next child has a one-in-four possibility of developing eczema. However, it is important to bear in mind that in the majority of cases, eczema is a fairly mild condition and another child may not necessarily be affected to the same extent as the first.
Q. What should be done to treat atopic dermatitis? A. See your dermatologist. Try to relieve itching by eliminating these aggravating factors: -Rapid changes of temperatures, strenuous exercise. -Rough, scratchy, tight & woolen clothings. -Frequent use of soaps, bubble bath, hot water and other cleansing procedures that tend to remove natural oil from skin. Use mild detergents for your clothes and rinse the clothes thoroughly during washing. -Emotional upsets. Wear light, smooth, soft, non-binding clothing. Do not increase the skin's dryness by prolonged or frequent hot baths, or showers and soap. Use mild soaps or 'soap-free" soaps or emulsifying ointment. Bathe or shower with luke warm (not hot) water. When necessary sponge gently under the arms, in the groins and in other areas where cleansing is imperative. At other times, cleanse the entire skin with non-greasy lotion. Avoid sudden changes of temperature for instance, coming to air-conditioned rooms from the hot outdoors. Try not to rub or scratch. When the itching is severe, try to relieve it by dabbing or applying cloths soaked in iced water. It is important to comply with treatment. Your dermatologist can usually help you by prescribing external remedies (corticosteroid creams are most effective). Use sparingly. Apply a thin layer of cream on the rash with your fingers. Rub onto the skin till it disappears. Apply at least twice a day, preferably after showering. Do not use strong steroid creams for long periods as over-use will harm the skin. Use weak steroid creams when your eczema is mild. Oral medication (sedatives, antihistamines and sometimes, antibiotics by mouth) to control the itching and baths with diluted potassium permanganate are helpful. Corticosteroids taken by mouth or given by injections should be avoided if possible. However, when all other measures have failed, your physician may prescribe systemic corticosteroids for short periods. Generally 90% of children out-grow the condition by early teens, although some continue to have problems even as adults.
Q. Would a change in environment be helpful? A. For reasons that are not yet known, a radical change of environment, like a cool environment, sometimes is the "best" cure for atopic dermatitis. Many patients get better rapidly in the hospital.
Q. Are there any other problems? A. Bacterial infection (pus) and viral infection (eg. Herpes simplex) can occur. Antibiotics and antiviral treatment are needed.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Diagnosis and Treatment
A skin allergy is the body’s over-reaction to one or more allergens in our environment. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes in contact with an allergen that your skin is sensitive or allergic to. Jewelry metals and fragrances top the list of substances most likely to cause serious skin rashes. It can also be triggered by a number of factors, including plants, animals, clothing, food and heat. Eczema is a term used for a group of skin conditions having several things in common: dryness, itching, inflammation and thickening of skin, and recurrence. Contact dermatitis occurs at all ages, whereas atopic dermatitis is most often a problem in kids. Hand dermatitis is caused by skin irritants such as detergents or chemicals. Dry skin occurs because of lack of water in the stratum corneum.
Some allergic reactions to wine stem from insect chemicals, new research shows. Chemicals from Hymenoptera insects may be present in some wines. There are four main types of skin allergy, each caused by different allergens. Prickly heat warm weather often causes the itchy red rash known as prickly heat. Bites and stings is irritations from insect bites and stings can be uncomfortable but reactions tend to be short lived. Urticaria type of allergy. Urticaria also called is nettle rash, because it comes up as an itchy red rash, raised in the middle. The swelling that sometimes goes along with urticaria is called angioedema, and often involves the lips, the eyes, and the hands and feet. Angioedema is usually not itchy or red, it tends to burn, sting or cause a tingling sensation.
The most common treatment for allergic contact dermatitis is a cortisone ointment preparation. Many people opt for the more effective natural treatments such as epitrex, which can eliminate flare-ups. Some people find that oral antihistamines like benadryl allergy relief do the trick. Hydrocortisone is an anti-inflammatory steroid cream. Its low potency makes it safe for self-care. Try to determine what exposures aggravate your rash and avoid them. Wear gloves when washing dishes or clothing, and don’t allow your hands to be constantly wet. Allow wool clothing or blankets against your skin. use soapless cleansers or non-alkaline (neutral) soaps. Use washable cotton or synthetic blankets, not fuzzy surfaced ones. Use easily laundered cotton bedspreads or coverlets; avoid chenille.
Skin allergy Diagnosis and Treatment Tips
1. Use fragrance free products when suffering from allergies of skin.
2. A good moisturising lotion will prevent the skin from drying out.
3. Corticosteroid creams or ointments relieve itchiness and halt the spread of rashes.
4. Using washing detergents suitable for people with allergies will not cause any damage to the skin.
5. Keeping a diary of moments when your skin is inflamed or extremely itchy with raised patches.
6. Antihistamines and decongestants are the most common medicines used for allergies.
7. Hydrocortisone is an anti-inflammatory steroid cream. Its low potency makes it safe for self-care.
8. Try to determine what exposures aggravate your rash and avoid them.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Allergies And Discomforts
Cat allergies can be extremely extremely nerve racking to a cat lover. Sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, sinus pain, skin rash, and other symptoms can be very mild and annoying or extreme and life threatening. In actuality, if the symptoms are extreme and the cause is researched and it is found to be cats, locating the cat a new home could turn out to be the only solution. However if the symptoms are moderate, there is hope. There are methods to at least minimize the pain of cat allergies and live with a cat, and immunotherapy offers desensitization from an allergen.
Symptoms of allergies can take on a number of forms. There are many common nose symptoms including itching, sneezing and congestion. Eye symptoms can include redness, itching, swelling and watering. Throat symptoms include post-nasal drip, itching or hoarseness and the need to clear the throat often. Skin symptoms can involve an itchy rash or hives. Ear symptoms can include itching, plugging or popping in the ear. More serious symptoms involve the lungs. Symptoms with the lungs can include hacking, wheezing, tightness in the chest, bouts with bronchitis and a shortness of breath.
Cat allergen, the allergy causing stuff from cats, is not cat hair, but rather a protein present in the cat dander and saliva. These allergens become airborne as microscopic particles, which when inhaled into the nose or lungs can produce allergic symptoms.
The reason why folks can get a new pet and not develop any of these symptoms until much later is due to the amount of time needed to produce these antibodies. It can take from three weeks to three years for the body to build up sufficient amounts of the specific antibody so that an allergen can cross-link two identical antigens. This cross-linkage is the signal to mast cells to spill their contents, resulting in the typical allergy symptoms.
Immunotherapy is the usual and very effective method to get around a cat allergy. Immunotherapy gradually makes a person more and more resistant to the allergens. The goal of immunotherapy is to increase a person's tolerance by at least ten times. This is one of the most effective remedies as it treats the root cause and doesn't just hide the symptoms.
It is a moral crime and heartless for any indoor cat to be put out. In addition to the diseases and illnesses that can be caught out of doors, the indoor cat has no experience fending for itself outdoors and so is often unable to defend against cars, animals, and other hazards or to effectively search for food. Hence rescue groups have been formed to take care of cats if someone suffering from allergy has to turn it out of his house.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:31 AM 1 comments
Food Intolerance
Do you have a food intolerance? Food intolerances are conditions that are shared by millions of people. They can make it seem like you always have a stomach ache after drinking milk. Food intolerances can cause you to be sorry you ate certain foods, as you spend next several hours feeling ill. You may even find that you avoid entire food groups because of the stomach aches. If this sounds like you, you may have a food intolerance.
Food intolerance occurs when the body is unable to digest a certain type of food. The most common food intolerance is milk, which is poorly digested by about 10% of Americans. Intolerances can be present from birth, or they can manifest later in life. They may be permanent, or they may come and go depending on the day.
How do you know if you are suffering from food intolerance? The symptoms vary widely, and two people with the same intolerance may have completely different symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are headache, nausea, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, gas, diarrhea, and sore throat. These symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and can lead to long-term suffering and ill health.
These symptoms should not be confused with the symptoms of food allergies, which can include all of the above and may also include skin hives, itching, and swelling, vomiting, wheezing, swollen lips, and swelling of the throat. These reactions will occur immediately after eating the offending food and may be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately because they may be life-threatening.
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between an intolerance and an allergy. If you are in doubt, it's best to see an allergist for allergy testing. These tests can determine which substances you are allergic to, but not which foods you may just not be able to tolerate. However, ruling out an allergy is the first step toward being able to manage your food intolerance.
Once you know that you are intolerant to specific foods, how do you adjust your nutrition? You will first need to remove that item from your diet. Make sure to avoid items that have your intolerance hidden, as it can still trigger your sensitivities. You should feel a lot better once the food has been eliminated from your diet.
Dairy foods are difficult to completely remove from your diet, so if you are lactose intolerant, some problems may arise. Fortunately, most such people can eat some forms of dairy without much trouble. One strategy that you might use is to avoid all dairy foods for two weeks, and then slowly reintroduce certain dairy products into your diet to see which ones cause your problems. Many people can eat yogurt or cheese but cannot drink liquid milk, for example. So dairy may not have to completely disappear from your diet.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Asthma and Exercise
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a long-term disease which can be controlled with proper treatment. Unfortunately it cannot be cured. It affects as many as 1 in 5 children and 1 in 10 adults . It is the cause of many lost school days and a lot of time off work.
People with asthma have episodes of shortness of breath which may be brought on or made worse by certain trigger factors. Shortness of breath is due to narrowing of the small airways within the lungs as a result of inflammation and muscle spasm. Episodes of asthma, often called 'attacks', may be provoked by a variety of trigger factors. Some are specific to an individual person with asthma - such as contact with pollens or cats in those with a specific allergy to them, and others are non-specific - such as exercise.
Exercise-induced asthma if untreated often interferes with the enjoyment of exercise and with attempts to train and compete in active sporting programs.
How do the lungs work?
Every breath you take draws air into the windpipe or trachea. The windpipe splits into two further tubes called the bronchi, which then divide into smaller and smaller airways called bronchioles, eventually leading to small air sacs called alveoli. It is here in the alveoli that oxygen in the air passes into the bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide produced in the tissues of the body moves from the blood into the air sacs and then out of the body.
What happens during an asthma attack?
Asthma is due to constriction and inflammation of the small airways. In asthma there is a special type of inflammation which narrows the small airways and makes them 'twitchy' and very sensitive to any environmental changes. The airways also become blocked with sticky mucus.
During an asthma attack breathing becomes harder, even at rest. There may be a cough or wheezing. Asthma can also occur at night during sleep. Asthma can vary in severity from mild chest tightness with cough and wheeze during exertion, to a life-threatening attack of severe breathlessness requiring urgent medical treatment.
The difficult breathing during an asthma attack results from partial blockage of the small tubes (bronchi and bronchioles) through which air passes to and from the lung tissue. This increases the effort required to move fresh air containing oxygen (O2) in, and the 'stale' air containing carbon dioxide (CO2 ) out of the body. A person experiencing an asthma 'attack' is aware that more effort than usual is needed for breathing.
What is exercise induced asthma (EIA)?
Exercising requires more oxygen to be sent to the muscles with increased production of carbon dioxide. We need to breathe more air in and out. If the air we breathe is cold, the increased breathing caused by exercise cools and dries the lining of the bronchial tubes. Cooling and drying of the airtubes causes irritant chemicals to be released which cause the airways to narrow. Asthmatic bronchial tubes are abnormally sensitive to these released chemicals which cause them to narrow. This sometimes occurs during but particularly after exercise.
The factors which determine whether exercise brings on an asthma 'attack' include the type of exercise, its duration and intensity, and the sensitivity of the bronchial tubes to released chemicals. The condition and temperature of the air breathed during exercise is also important.
Is all exercise the same?
No! Running at fun-run pace for 6-8 minutes on a cold dry morning frequently brings on asthma; swimming at an equivalent pace in a heated pool, however, rarely does so.
Is the amount of time spent exercising important?
Yes! Brief exercise - less than 2 minutes - does not often cause asthma; prolonged exercise - say 6 minutes or more - does. A few people with asthma who exercise for more than 10 minutes don't go on to get an asthma attack whereas exercise for a shorter period would have triggered an attack.
Is the intensity of exercise important?
Yes! Gentle exercise at a low fraction of maximum is less likely to trigger asthma than strenuous exercise.
What of air quality?
Breathing cool dry air is more likely to trigger asthma than breathing warm humid air. Allergic particles or irritants in the air might also be important aggravating factors.
Cooling and drying of the bronchial membranes are greater during running than swimming because of the difference in temperature and water content of the air breathed.
Can exercise induced asthma be controlled?
Yes! EIA can be reduced or prevented in most people with asthma by improved fitness, warm-up before exercise, and by medications taken before exercise.
An established attack of EIA will usually respond to rest and the inhalation of usual doses of reliever medications (eg. albuterol). Occasionally exercise-induced asthma is severe; rarely, it might even be life-threatening. Supplemental oxygen therapy and larger doses of reliever medications are then necessary. Skilled medical or paramedical personnel should be consulted for further treatment.
Can people with asthma play sport?
Yes! Almost all people with asthma properly advised and treated can play sport. Many compete successfully at national and even international level. People with asthma, not surprisingly, seem to favor swimming and other water sports and sprint rather than endurance events. However, they have also succeeded in long distance running and cross country skiing - the most provocative of types and duration of exercise and in the worst climates!
Nevertheless, exercise can provoke severe, even life-threatening asthma in some individuals. Vigorous exercise should be avoided by people with asthma with an already established attack. Measurement of lung function before exercise with a peak flow meter or spirometer will usually detect those at risk. If lung function remains below 80% of personal best after the use of pre-exercise medication, vigorous exercise should be postponed.
Is exercise ever dangerous for people with asthma?
Yes! People with asthma should not use SCUBA gear to dive. Life-threatening complications of the use of SCUBA are predictably more common in people with asthma. The compressed air breathed during SCUBA diving is cold and dry (and therefore potentially provocative of asthma). Fine mists of fresh or salt water which might be breathed through a regulator from time to time can produce or aggravate asthma.
What sort of lifestyle can be led?
Asthma should never be regarded as something to hold back enjoyment of life. There are many successful asthmatic athletes at the top of their chosen sport. They always have a reliever medication handy for first aid if asthma symptoms develop. Don't forget that peak physical performance also requires a healthy diet, no cigarette smoking and regular exercise training.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Asthma Natural
Headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, trembling, nervousness, palpitation and sleep disturbance are some of the side effects experienced by most asthmatics due to long term use of drugs. It is best to seek medical attention regarding these side effects and during severe attacks to save your life. But asthma can also be managed to prevent attacks and there are also things you can do manage your condition with asthma natural relief.
One asthma natural relief is anti-oxidants. There are free radicals from the environment, water and air that we breathe. Low tolerance to these free radicals may cause allergic inflammation of the lungs. Most asthmatics have high levels of oxidants and low levels of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants help asthmatics to neutralize and have high tolerance to free radicals. Foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E have anti-oxidants that strengthen the lungs and wash away free radicals.
Herbs for bronchial irritation. Herbs are another asthma natural relief because of their anti-inflammatory properties and it helps strengthening the lungs. Some herbs also act as relaxant and antihistamine opening the air passages making breathing easier like chamomiles, peppermint and ginger.
Boost your immune system. Low immune system may result to a number of diseases like asthma, arthritis and chronic fatigue. As an asthma natural relief, it is important to boost and strengthen your immune system to reduce and prevent asthma symptoms. Avoid the things that will destroy your immune system. Eat healthy diet. Avoid high cholesterol diet and foods with additives. Get a restful sleep and give yourself time to relax and rejuvenate.
Avoid stress. Another asthma natural relief is to avoid stress because it is a common trigger of asthma. Learn how to manage and reduce stress to avoid shortness of breath and other asthma symptoms. Identifying what causes your stress and getting help if you cannot resolve it by yourself is very useful in reducing stress. Learn about different relaxation techniques to help you relax and eliminate stress in your life.
Do you want to safely eliminate asthma and allergies with a natural treatment? Breathe free and enjoy an active lifestyle without drugs. The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report based on extensive medical research & proven clinical trials will positively change your life. To know more about asthma natural relief visit Drug-Free Asthma and Allergy Cure
To know more about asthma and diet visit Secrets of Asthma Diet
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Allergy Symptoms
Allergies to cats are quite common.
The allergic reactions can be immediate, or they can begin to show up gradually over time.
Often someone has owned a cat for some time, sometimes even years, before the allergic reactions begin to show.
Having to give the cat up at that point may be heartbreaking for everyone involved, including the cat.
Most often the first recommendation from medical doctors is to relinquish the cat.
That could have been good advice in the past, however, the past 15 years have seen a whole new "breed" of therapy methods based on the bodies energy system who are extremely effective at resolving allergies at it's deepest core -your energy system.
The methods are generally referred to as "Energy Therapy" "Meridian Therapy" or "Energy Psychology".
One of the easiest and most effective method is "Tapas Acupressure Technique" or, TAT. Generally, TAT is recognized to eliminate allergies in about 85% of cases, and that has been this authors experience as well.
The major distinction between these therapies and traditional aids or therapies, is that instead of attempting to clear the allergen out of the air using all sorts of filters, specialized vacuums, Hepa filters, limiting the exposure to the cat, medications etc. the energy therapies work on your own energy system so that it can be in harmony with the allergen.
Very different concept.
Instead of (unsuccessfully) trying to change the environment so we can live in it without feeling ill, or to manipulate our system by medications, Energy Therapies very effectively balance the part of our energy system not in harmony with, in this case, cats.
Pretty much in the same way that Chinese medicine views illness as a disruption of the flow of vital life force in your system, Energy Therapies view an allergy as a substance your energy system is not in harmony with and is trying to repel. It is the repelling of the allergen that causes the allergic reactions.
So, here is how you can view it. You feel OK, and then you are in contact with a cat, or breathe air containing the allergen. This causes your system to become disrupted.
The flow of energy is now disrupted, causing a horde of symptoms, as in all your allergy symptoms.
Sounds almost too simple, yes?
The energy therapies, using either acupuncture needles, or simply your fingers, will, by using special acupuncture points, balance the system in regards to the offending substance.
To do that, you first need to cause the same disruption your body, or energy system, would have if in actual contact with a cat.
That can be accomplished in a few different ways. The practitioner may have a vial containing cat dander that you can hold in your hand, or, even more effective, you can simply think about cats.
Thinking about cats when you are allergic to them is enough to cause an imbalance of your energy system.
Now, while your system is in imbalance, the intervention takes place. The intervention can be acupuncture needles inserted into key acupuncture points, or, an even more effective method, as in TAT, is to hold, with your own fingers, certain acupuncture points known for their effect on the brain.
The treatment may have to be repeated a few times. In most cases less than 3, in order to be able to allow your system to be in balance in the presence of cat dander.
Once your system is in harmony with the car dander, (or other allergen), there are no more reactions. Once the intervention is completed, the effects are most often permanent, requiring no re treatment.
The person who used to have a cat allergy can now interact with cats feeling perfectly OK.
Having to relinquish your cat because you have developed allergies is a painful decision no one should have to make.
Today, with modern cutting edge resources available, that decision may be one you never have to make.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Allergy may not be included in the list of top diseases that could affect a Dachshund, but that doesn't mean that your Dachshund can't possibly acquire this health problem. Dogs, just like humans can suffer from trouble caused by allergies. As dog owner, it is important that you are well aware of this problem in order for you to identify if your Dachshund is really suffering from it.
Below are the different kinds of allergy.
Atopy - Atopy is also known as allergic inhalant dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. These airborne disease is usually caused by environmental factors such as dust mites, molds, house dust, human dander and feathers or pollen from grasses, trees and weeds. Symptoms of atopy include itching resulting to frequent scratching and biting on the feet, muzzle or face, armpits, groins and ears. Worst cases of atopy may be characterized by redness, hair loss, crusts and scaling, ear problems and skin infection. This disease is diagnosed through physical examination. The vet will need to find out your Dachshund's history of symptoms and have to differentiate it from other skin diseases such as food hypersensitivity, flea allergy dermatitis or contact dermatitis. There is lots of known treatment for this disease. The highly recommended treatment is to avoid the allergens as much as possible. Medication includes antihistamines, corticosteroids and immunotherapy or allergy shots. Medicated shampoo or diet rich in Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are as well recommended.
Flea Allergy - Flea allergy or flea allergy dermatitis is an allergy caused by flea saliva passed into the dog's skin when it bites. Not all dogs can acquire flea allergy with a single bite but dogs with flea allergy will quickly experience the symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling. Symptoms of flea allergy are scratching, loss of hair, crusts and erosions of the skin and pimple-like bumps. In some severe cases, thickened skin with darkened areas will develop. Red, oozing and very painful sores are also present in this kind of allergy. This problem is best prevented through eliminating the fleas in the environment. It is important to keep your surroundings clean to make sure that fleas are completely removed. The market is offering wide selection of commercial products used to kill fleas. Just read the label carefully as to the proper usage of the product, or it is better to ask your vet for suggestions.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Dogs For Allergy
If you have mild allergies to dogs but would still love to have a furry canine companion, you do have some dog options. Now keep in mind that there are no allergen-free dogs; it is simply not possible. However, there are some breeds that are considered hypoallergenic, which is basically means that these certain dog breeds will produce a lot less allergens than some of the bigger breeds such as the Golden Retriever.
It's all about the Coat
Dogs that shed a lot and have thick undercoats are obviously not the right choice for potential owners who are allergy-prone. However, dogs with a single coat of hair with little to no undercoat are a good choice as are hairless dogs.
Keep in mind however, that even with the hairless variety there are always some allergens to contend with. This is due to the fact that all dogs, regardless of their coat produce dander which is a combination of urine, saliva and shedding skin cells. Some people with asthma and allergies are more tolerant than others, thus the choice of single coat and hairless dog varieties.
Types of Allergy-Friendly Dog Breeds
Of the hairless varieties, the Chinese Crested Hairless, Xoloitzcuintle Mexican Hairless and the American Hairless Terrier are three popular dog breeds for the allergy prone. Because they have no coat to speak of, you will have to take precautions in both sunny weather as well as cold weather because they have nothing to protect them.
There are quite a few single coat dogs that are hypoallergenic and the poodle is the most popular. They are distinct with their curly, wiry coat and the breed comes in the standard poodle size as well as a miniature model. All sizes of Schnauzers are popular too because they do not have the shedding problem that other dogs have. Their coats are normally rather wiry with a small soft undercoat.
Several terrier breeds make the list of allergy-friendly dogs as well. The soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is a popular variety and has a soft, wavy long coat which normally does not shed. The Kerry Blue Terrier, the West Highland White and the Bedlington Terrier are other relative non-shedders.
Managing your Dog Allergies
As mentioned above, even the most hypoallergenic dogs have some dander that will, well, get your allergy dander up as well. Therefore, there are a few things you can do to lower the allergens in the air of your home so that you can enjoy a relatively, sneeze and watery-eye free dog ownership.
Choose vacuum cleaner bags that have HEPA quality filtering so that dust and dander does not escape the bag. Buy a few HEPA grade air filters for several rooms in your home where you would most likely be with your dog. These machines will filter your air trapping dust and dander that could set off an allergic reaction. For your central air and heat, change your filter once a month using hypoallergenic filters which will screen out up to 99% of pollen, dust and pet dander. Open your windows every so often when the pollen counts are low to allow fresh air inside the home. This will help filter out some pet dander in the process.
Wash your dog bedding and toys once a week if possible as well. There is also a product out on the market that is an anti-allergen spray which neutralizes allergens such as dust, pollen and pet dander for several weeks. If you are serious about being a dog owner, practicing some of these management tips will really help in controlling your allergy symptoms and allow you to enjoy your new dog too.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:28 AM 0 comments
room allergy
If you are allergic to dust mites you may find this article useful. If you do not have this type of allergy - do not underestimate allergies, for example did you know that some people may be allergic to computer display screens ? Triphenyl phosphate - a chemical compound widely used as a flame retardant in the plastic of video monitors and other products - is known to cause allergic reactions in some people. The reactions can range from itching and nasal congestion to headaches.
Making your room allergy-proof is not as simple as it seems, for example some articles claim that anti allergy bedding is very efficient and some say it's useless. The bottom line is - every little helps, so if you are serious about tackling your allergies you should go all the way and get every weapon that could reduce your exposure to dust mites.
Dust mites are abundant in almost every home, especially in bedrooms and in bedding. Pillows and mattresses can be a haven for microscopic dust mites. The average old mattress contains approximately 2 million dust mites. To reduce your exposure to dust mites encase your pillow and mattress with dust mite covers. The allergens and dust may still accumulate on the surface so wash bedding regularly and in hot water (60 degrees), dust mites may survive washings under 60C. Dust mites do not like dense structure material such as memory foam mattresses, however, there is no single proven way to get rid of dust mites so memory foam products should be considered as part of the solution only.
Dust mites thrive in areas where humidity is high so it is important to maintain the humidity level under 40% but above 25%. Air purifiers not only remove allergens such as pollen from the air, but they are also able to remove smoke, smells and bacteria. Keep in mind though that dust mites are not air borne for long time, therefore air purifiers alone will not make your bedroom allergy-proof, but it may be a very effective component of the overall battle plan. Sweeping with a regular vacuum may only redistribute allergens, you may avoid this by using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Air conditioning has its pros and cons - it can be very helpful for people with outdoor and pollen allergies, but air conditioning also prevents natural air exchange.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:25 AM 0 comments
food allergies
Food intolerance occurs when the body is unable to dealt with a certain type of food. This is usually because the body does not produce enough of particular chemical that's needed for digestion of food, Some people are born with intolerances to certain foods, and others may develop intolerances much later in life. Symptoms of food intolerance vary greatly, and can be mistaken for the symptoms of an allergy
Most common food intolerance types : Diary intolerance - Cow's milk contains lactose and many people have a shortage of enzyme lactase - as a result the body can not break down milk sugar and this causes symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome. Alcohol intolerance - deficiency of an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase can cause alcohol intolerance which will make people feel unwell. Gluten intolerance may result in damage to villi in the small intestine, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb water and nutrients from foods. There are other types of food intolerance, e.g. some people have intolerance to various chemical preservatives and food additives. Food intolerance in the body may lead to build up of toxic byproducts and histamine, which then mimic the symptoms of an allergy.
In food intolerance it can be difficult to determine the offending food causing an intolerance because if the immune system is involved, the response is likely to be IgG mediated and takes place over a prolonged period of time
Food allergy can be a complex disorder, further complicated by food intolerance, which can mimic the symptoms of an allergy. A food allergy is an adverse response to a food protein. Some of the first signs of a person suffering from a food allergy can be a runny nose, hives, itchy skin, tingling lips or tongue. Other signs can include tightness in the throat, hoarse voice, coughing, wheezing, stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea or vomiting. True allergies are associated with fast-acting immunoglobulin IgE responses The most common food allergies in adults are Milk allergy shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, fish, and eggs, and the most common food allergies present in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. Unfortunately, At present there is no cure for food allergy(ies). Treatment often involves adjusted diet, where the allergic person avoids specific foods.
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:21 AM 0 comments
skin allergies
A skin allergy is the body's over reaction to allergen(s) in our environment. Typical skin allergy symptoms are swelling or a rash. It may affect small areas or cover the whole body.
Common causes for skin allergies are : Jewelry metals such as Nickel (found in belts, coins), gold, various substances used in cosmetic products (fragrance mix, Quaternium 15, Formaldehyde, Ethylene diamine, etc), rubber (gloves, shoes), some plants, etc. Skin allergies can also be caused by food intolerance or food allergy - symptoms may include rashes or hives and may last from one minute to hours or days. Finally, Skin allergy may be due to dust mites, various air borne particles such as pollen, house dust, etc Allergy skin testing is a safe and simple procedure that can provide useful information about your allergic sensitivities.
Term Eczema is broadly used in many persistent skin conditions which cause dryness and recurring skin rashes (The term eczema is sometimes interchanged with another skin allergy condition called dermatitis. Eczema is acute dermatitis)
Rosacea is a common skin disorder and can affect people of any age (usually starts in the 30s and 40s), It begins as erythema (flushing and redness) on the central face and across the cheeks, nose, or forehead but can also less commonly affect the neck and chest. Urticaria (or hives) is a skin condition, commonly caused by an allergic reaction, that is characterized by raised red skin welts. Urticaria symptoms : red, itchy, swollen area of skin that often appers in circular, raised welts in clusters (Hives can vary in size and usually affects the throat, arms and legs). Hives are usually caused by adverse reaction to medication, foods (e.g. peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish) insect bites or other irritants. When the rash lasts less than 6 weeks it's called acute urticaria. When the rash lasts more than 6 weeks it's referred to as chronic urticaria.
About the Author
Predrag Iljic has been suffering from different allergies for as long as he can remember. If you think allergies could be contributing to any health problems that you may experience please visit Predrag`s web site - Advice for Eczema Rosacea and other facial skin allergies
Posted by SAYA SEORANG CLIXKER at 2:20 AM 0 comments